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Extruded Bait with Brodifacoum

SOLO BLOX contains the powerful active ingredient, brodifacoum. SOLO is effective in controlling both rats and mice but works especially well to clean out persistent mouse infestations.

SOLO BLOX, with its distinctive cog-like shape, is made with more than 16 high-quality, inert ingredients for proven palatability. The bait of choice in the pest control industry, Bell’s proprietary All-Weather BLOX are manufactured from Bell’s unique extrusion process that yields a hard, multiple-edged bait with the palatability of a meal bait and the weatherability of a paraffinized bait.

This highly weatherable block bait easily fits in tight baiting places. A hole in the center of this 20g BLOX lets PMPs place it on bait securing rods in Bell’s tamper-resistant bait stations, or nail or wire it in place.

With SOLO BLOX, you’ll get unsurpassed rodent acceptance and control. The multiple edges appeal to a rodent’s desire to gnaw. BLOX work well in any condition — wet or dry, indoors or out. Ready-to-use SOLO All-Weather BLOX complements Bell’s superior line of rodent baits, offering PMPs another tool to control rats and mice.