California Transparency in Supply Chains Act - Corporate Disclosure
The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 requires certain companies doing business in the State of California to disclose their efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from their direct supply chains.
Bell Laboratories is committed to the highest standards of business conduct and ethics in all of its operations.
As such, Bell also expects each of its suppliers to conduct business in a legal, ethical manner. This includes conducting their operations in a manner that prevents or eliminates slavery and human trafficking throughout their supply chain.
To help ensure it is able to manage these expectations, Bell sources more than 90% of all the materials used in the manufacture of its products from domestic suppliers. Further, a very high percentage of these materials are sourced locally (within 100 miles of our operations in Madison, WI). This allows Bell to not only establish close relationships with these suppliers, but to regularly meet with and inspect their operations.
Should Bell become aware of activities by any of its suppliers that do not meet these standards, said supplier will immediately be asked to take remedial action. If supplier is unable or unwilling to take acceptable, corrective action an alternate supplier will be utilized.