Bell Laboratories, INC.

IAM: Rodent control in public areas remains at manageable level

The Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) announced that, according to a recent survey conducted by third-party academic institutions in mainland China, rodent control in the city’s public areas remains at a manageable level. In 2024, the city recorded 711 complaints related to rodent infestations, a 36% decrease from 1,113 cases in 2019. …

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Return of the Rails: Signs of Recovery on Floreana Island

The observations Charles Darwin made during his 1835 visit to the Galápagos Islands give us a snapshot of what the archipelago looked like almost 200 years ago. He recorded the presence of a small, secretive bird on Floreana Island: the Galápagos Rail (Laterallus spilonota). After his visit, it was never seen on the island again—until now.  …

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